Philter Phrend Personal Filter

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Discretion With Every Exhale

A personal filter for cloud-free vaping. Use in combination with your favorite vaporizer . Simply exhale vapour into the PHREND for no smoke, no smell, no stress!

Introducing the PHREND! The newest addition to the PHILTER Phamily and our 1st product featuring a biodegradable filter.

Made of plant-based polymer, this filter will decompose in less than 3 years compared to nearly a thousand for regular plastic!

The PHREND is made for the professional vaper! The massive hit-takers! A newly designed mouthpiece allows for a quicker, more efficient exhale and the increased capacity means you can get up to 500 exhales per filter – that’s 3x the capacity of the POCKET.

It was also made to protect Mother Earth and give back to nature. Each PHREND product includes a packaging sleeve made of biodegradable, eco-friendly seed paper. When the paper is planted, the seeds grow into wildflowers and the paper composts away.

  • Works with your favourite vaporizer
  • Medical grade silicone mouthpiece and reusable aluminium case
  • Filter cartridge made of biodegradable material
  • 100% of PHREND and PHREND packaging is either biodegradable, recyclable, compostable or reusable. Phrend-ly to you, those around you and Mother Earth!

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