Professor Herb Premium CBD Hemp Blend - 20g

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Professor Herb is one of the UK’s most popular urban CBD and smoking brands. Founded in 2019, Professor Herb has always created innovative and unique products, raising the bar each and every time.

The Professor Herb CBD Hemp Shake is a popular tobacco substitute, providing a more natural alternative for smoking, without nicotine or tobacco, while providing you with a gentle relaxation, delicate texture, and herbal aroma.

This 100% pure hemp mix is perfect for smoking, as well as working well when combined with any other smoking blends or herbs. The blend is pre-ground, meaning it is ready to roll from the pouch, no grinding required.  

Product Features:

  • Manufactured in the UK
  • Premium Italian-grown industrial CBD hemp
  • 1000mg of organic natural CBD per pouch
  • Smell-proof resealable ziplock pouch
  • Approved & tested by Addact Medical
  • PHE (Public Health England) submitted
  • QR code feature for COA

Each pouch is sealed for freshness and features a resealable zipper to keep the product fresher for longer.

You can now scan the integrated QR code to display the product analysis and Cannabinoid report.

This product is made from EU-approved industrial hemp. This product does not contain Cannabis.


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